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How do you load information from a .txt file in batch?

So I have been doing some small batch programs lately but I can't manage to make the batch file load information. This is how i would do it.

set /p something=
) > something.txt

In the txt file:


That is it^^

If i remember it right that is how you SAVE a file... now how do you LOAD it in a similar way?

Note: I would like to do multiple at once!

to WRITE a line to a file use echo my_information>something.txt (overwriting)

to READ a line from a file use set /p something=<something.txt

to write or read several lines:

echo First line>something.txt
echo second line>>something.txt
echo and a third one>>something.txt

or if you want to write all of them in one go:

@echo off
rem writing
  echo First line
  echo second line
  echo and a third one

type something.txt
rem reading a
<something.txt (
  set /p one=
  set /p two=
  set /p three=
echo a. %one% %two% %three%

rem reading b
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a i=0
<something.txt (
  for /f "delims=" %%a in (something.txt) do (
    set /a i+=1
    set /p read[!i!]=
echo b. %read[1]% %read[2]% %read[3]%

NOTE: contrary to what seems logical, set /p var=<<file.txt does NOT work.

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