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Submodules in Browserify


In node.js if you a require a directory (require('foo')), it would look into that directory and find an index.js file and return whatever exports I have in that file, so I can just bundle up the contents of the directory in an index.js file. Therefore, I dont have to require bar and foobar separately if index.js already includes them.

However this approach doesn't work with browserify. It seems like only thing browserify understands is relative paths.


In other words I want to separate my project into submodules, call require on a directory as if I am calling require on a dependency. For example in the star.js file I want to be able to require('foo') and get the exports of bar.js and foobar.js (as long as /foo/index.js is importing bar.js and foobar.js)

edit: Looking at the react source code, i think what i am describing is possible

https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/src/isomorphic/ReactIsomorphic.js In this file they call require on React-Children in line 14.

var ReactChildren = require('ReactChildren');

However react children is couple directories deeper. https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/src/isomorphic/children/ReactChildren.js

Where is this mapping defined?

There isn't a way to specify a base directory because that's not how node modules work. If you want non-relative paths, use the node_modules directory. If you want require('foo') to work from any directory, just make a symlink from your project root:

ln -s foo node_modules/foo

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