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How to remove fields from the admin user create page of Sonata User Bundle?

I have installed Sonata Admin Bundle and User Bundle in my Symfony 2.6 application. I found that the User bundle creates a bundle at src/Application/Sonata/UserBundle . When I go to the admin user creation page ( admin/sonata/user/user/create ), I found a lot of fields there:

  • General
    • Username
    • E-Mail-Address
    • Plain password
  • Groups
  • Profile
    • Date of birth
    • Firstname
    • Lastname
    • Website
    • Biography
    • Gender
    • Locale
    • Timezone
    • Phone
  • Social
    • Facebook Uid
    • Facebook Name
    • Twitter Uid
    • Twitter Name
    • Google+ Uid
    • Google+ Name
  • Management

    • Roles
    • Locked
    • Expired
    • Enabled
    • Credentails expired
  • Security

    • Token
    • Two Step Verification Code

I only need Username, E-Mail, Password, Groups, Firstname and Lastname for my admin user creation. How can I remove the other unnecessary fields from that page?

Under configuration for sonata user bundle in config.yml ie sonata_user you can override sonata user admin class and define your own admin class

    admin:                  # Admin Classes
            class:          Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\UserAdmin
            controller:     ApplicationSonataUserBundle:UserCURD /** you can also override CURD controller for your admin class*/
            translation:    SonataUserBundle

Now create your user admin class in your extended bundle ie ApplicationSonataUserBundle and extend your class with sonata's Sonata\\UserBundle\\Admin\\Model\\UserAdmin , now in configureFormFields() define your desired fields you want to add

use Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\Model\UserAdmin as BaseUserAdmin;
class UserAdmin extends BaseUserAdmin {
    protected function configureFormFields( FormMapper $formMapper ) {
     $formMapper->add('some field'); ...
     /** Do your stuff here */

Or remove some of the fields :

use Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\Model\UserAdmin as BaseUserAdmin;
class UserAdmin extends BaseUserAdmin {
    protected function configureFormFields( FormMapper $formMapper ) {
        $formMapper->remove('some field');

See ADVANCED CONFIGURATION for sonata user bundle

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