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Facebook login localhost oauth

Right now im working on a Meteor App demo wich let you connect with facebook, im doing it pretty basic and everything is seems to be working nice, but for some reason im having problem with the redirect url.

This is my setup.

BTW im following login-with-facebook-using-meteor-js

The app is on test mode, the localhost domain is added and the url is http://localhost:3000/ , but now, the problem beggins on the redirect url.

If i put http://localhost:3000/ redirect URL the app works fine and i get the user typing Meteor.user(); on the console.


if i put http://localhost:3000/_oauth/facebook?close i got the

error 191 invalid redirect url

I dont really know what is happening, im doing something wrong over here? i dont want to keep like this, because i do a little bit of research and having a wrong URL could be a security problem


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