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Applying css to embeded media player in web page

I have been trying using media player in web page to stream RTMP videos. I have using following code

 <embed allowfullscreen="true" src="http://www.focusonthefamily.com/family/JWPlayer/mediaplayer.swf" flashvars="allowfullscreen=true&allowscriptaccess=always&autostart=false&shownavigation=true&enablejs=true&volume=50&file=Test.mp4&streamer=rtmp://" /> 

Now it showing simple classic jwPlayer. How can i apply styles to it using css or skin

Skins included in the Pro/Premium/Ads editions can be configured by simply inserting the skin name. Here's an example, loading the bekle skin:

  file: "/upload/myVideo.mp4",
  skin: "bekle"

You're using JW Player 5, which is obsolete. Get JW Player 6. I've found that it's always safest to wrap the player in an outer <div> , and apply all styling to that outer <div> . So, your setup would look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<title>JW Player</title>
<script src='jwplayer.js'></script>
<p>Streaming Video</p>
<div id='player'><div id='myElement'>Loading the player...</div></div>
    file: "rtmp://example.com/application/mp4:myVideo.mp4",
    image: "/assets/myVideo.jpg",
    height: 360,
    width: 640

Then apply your CSS to the "player" ID.

Are you sure you want to use RTMP? Is this a "live" video feed? If you're just providing MP4's, there's no need to use streaming. RTMP is Flash, which won't work on any mobile, whereas simply providing MP4's will work everywhere.

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