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How to append text to div using ID in javascript?

Here i am using function to print the values to div with id="mylist" .i am using the loop and calling the printList() function with the value and i am printing the value in printList() but its not working.how can i do this?

<div id="mylist"></div>


 function coucity(){
   for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

 function printList(city){
  var writecity = document.write(city);

and also i want to add delay for printing the values.

var writecity = document.createTextNode(city);

This should work.

Basically, you only append other DOM Node (as child) to DOM Nodes. so you use document.createTextNode() to create node and document.appendChild() to add it as a child to existing node.

Problem is document.write returns nothing, also using it is not recommended. Secondly dom does not have function append , instead it is appendChild .

Try document.createTextNode and appendChild :

 function coucity() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printList(i); } } function printList(i) { document.getElementById("mylist").appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)); }
 <body onload="coucity();"> <div id="mylist"></div> </body>

You may also try innerHTML :

 function coucity() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printList(i); } } function printList(i) { document.getElementById("mylist").innerHTML += i; }
 <body onload="coucity();"> <div id="mylist"></div> </body>

There are a couple of things wrong with your code, all of which can easily be found out by checking the JavaScript console.

  1. You don't call coucity anywhere (but a comment shows that is is called from elsewhere, so that shouldn't be the problem)
  2. document.write should be document.createTextNode
  3. getElementById("myDIV") does not find the div with id mylist
  4. append should be appendChild
  5. and finally, if you correct all these errors, it only outputs the digits 0 through 9 instead of cities.

I can't help you with the last one, but with the other errors corrected, here is the result.

function coucity(){
   for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

function printList(city){
  var writecity = document.createTextNode(city);


To add a delay, there are several methods available. Which would be best depends on your needs. In this simple case, you can even write

function coucity(){
   for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
     setTimeout(printList, i*1000, i);

See updated fiddle .

An example of appending a text node to a div , referenced by id , with a delay .

 function appendDelayedTextNode(element, text, delayMs) { setTimeout(function () { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); }, delayMs); } var mylist = document.getElementById('mylist'); appendDelayedTextNode(mylist, 'one', 1000); appendDelayedTextNode(mylist, 'two', 2000); appendDelayedTextNode(mylist, 'three', 3000);
 <div id="mylist"></div>

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