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Rejecting Angular $http promise

I need to reject an $http promise call in the success/then function. I can see 2 options: 1) thrown an error - this garbages up the console and 2) use separate defer call and reject that. Is there a cleaner/more concise way? I have a feeling I am overlooking something obvious.


return $http.get(url}.then(function(r) {
  throw new Error('Booh');

With $q:

var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get(url}.then(function(r) {
return deferred.promise;

Try this:

function myfunction()
    return $http.post('url')
            // check success-property of returned data
            if(response.data === 'Something you dont want')
                return $q.reject('some error occured');
                return $q.resolve(response.data);

As $http is a modified promise do something like :

var deferred = $q.defer();

$http.get(url).success(function(r) {
   if(r != 'your criteria')

return deferred.promise

You can use de reject method of the $q service to immetiately forward to the next error section, something like:

var deferred = $q.defer();

$http.get(url}.success(function(r) {
   // do something

When success q.reject will forward to the error and do something...

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