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jQuery tabs enable horizontal scroll

How to enable horizontal scrolling on jQuery tabs within a specific width on a single line .

By default, jQuery UI plugin moves the last tab on next line.

So, I've been using a workaround to increase the width by a bit by setting the css style as below,

#tabs_div .scroller {
  overflow: auto;
#tabs_div ul { 
  width: 1100px; 

And tabs are set as below,

<div id='tabs_outer_div' class="tabs">
  <div id='tabs_div' class="scroller" style='display:none;width:100%'>

Edited to include jsfiddle, here the tabs are shown in multiple rows. How to set them in one single row (line). - http://jsfiddle.net/karthikn_jay/pdnr0op9/

Just add Custom style in your style sheet to .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav and .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li if need add parent level unique selector

http://jsfiddle.net/pdnr0op9/3/ like this

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