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How to copy and paste always one row below

I have been working on code to copy and paste from one worksheet to another. The data that I need to copy will always be at A1:E1 , however, I need to always paste one row below. I will run it everyday, so for instance if today I paste on cells A1:E1 , then tomorrow I would need to paste on A2:E2 and on the next day A3:E3 ... I wrote the code below which works but is not as dynamic as I need it to be. I would appreciate your help

Thank you

Sub Copy_range()


End Sub

This will make it more modular by skipping down past all used cells then pasting the value on the next empty cell.

Sub Copy_range()

    ' edit line below to change where data will be copied from
    Worksheets("Dividends").Range("A1:E1").Copy ' copy the value

    ' select the first cell on the "Draft" sheet

    Dim count As Integer
    count = 1

    'skip all used cells
    Do While Not (ActiveCell.value = None)
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
        count = count + 1


    ' edit line below to change alphabetical values of where data will be placed
    Worksheets("Draft").Range("A" & count & ":E" & count).PasteSpecial ' paste the value
    ' at Acount:Ecount where count is the current row i.e. A11:E11

End Sub

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