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How to write formula for cell in Excel?

I'm working on excel where I've few columns. I would like to make SQL insert operation from the records in sheet.

There are chances of cell to be empty and this is where I am unable to continue. I need to check:

if(cell is empty) 
   insert null 
   insert value

How can I implement it inside formula?


correct me if anything wrong

One example of a working function would be:

=CONCATENATE("INSERT INTO TABLE MyTable (Col1, Col2) VALUES ('", A2, "', ", IF(ISBLANK(B2), "NULL", CONCATENATE("'", B2, "'")), ")")

This assumes that you are inserting two values from the same Excel row, adds quotes around values to allow you to insert text strings, and then replaces any blank values with NULL . The IF() statement contains its own CONCATENATE() to add quotes around the value if it exists (you wouldn't want quotes around the NULL value).

The screenshot below shows the setup and results:


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