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selectedTextRange always returning nil

I have a subclass of UITextField like:

@interface CustomTextField : UITextField

-(NSRange) getSelection;


@implementation CustomTextField

-(NSRange) getSelection

    UITextRange *selectedRange = [self selectedTextRange];
    UITextPosition* selectionStart = selectedRange.start;
    UITextPosition* selectionEnd = selectedRange.end;

    const NSInteger position1 = [self offsetFromPosition:self.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selectionStart];
    const NSInteger position2 = [self offsetFromPosition:self.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selectionEnd];
    return NSMakeRange(position1, position2);


But here whenever I place cursor in textfield, and call getSelection method selectedRange is always nil, so selectedTextRange is not updating why? when I added @synthesize selectedTextRange then the property is updated. So is there any issue with inheritance?

As mentioned in the comments, make sure your TextField is first responder. If not, call becomeFirstResponder() on the field. I had this bug on iOS 10. Starting with iOS 11 this works correctly even if your textField is not first responder.

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