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PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng()

That is the error message that I get on my php error log.

So far, I know that the GD library is the problem, it's not installed ( I think is not installed but it was working before in my server and now is not so I don't know what happened but I want to assume that is not installed).

I checked if the module was installed by running php -m and gd doesn't show up, also phpinfo() doesn't show anything related to gd. I installed php on a CentOS server 5.9 with remi repo. Now, the problem is that I can't just run yum install php-gd because it won't have any effect since it was installed manually. Any ideas on how can I install just that module to my php installation?

我只需安装启用了remi repo的php-gd库所以如果有人在这里有同样的问题,那就是: yum install php-gd --enablerepo=remi,remi-php55

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