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Modal Dialog JQuery IE 9-11 Print Issue

I am trying to convert a large old IE 8 system to current browsers. Once of the issues I am fixing is the showModalDialog, due to it not working on Chrome since 37 and becoming more obsolete.

The method that I am using is:


$.showCustomModal = function(options) {

    var defaultOptns = {
        url: null,
        dialogArguments: null,
        height: 'auto',
        width: 'auto',
        position: 'center',
        resizable: false,
        scrollable: false,
        onClose: function() {enableScrolling();},
        returnValue: null,
        doPostBackAfterCloseCallback: false,
        postBackElementId: null

    var fns = {
        close: function() {
            //opts.returnValue = $dialog.returnValue;
            opts.returnValue = $frame[0].contentWindow.window.returnValue;
            $dialog = null;
            if (opts.doPostBackAfterCloseCallback) {
    //, adjustWidth: function() { $frame.css("width", "100%"); }

    // build main options before element iteration

    var opts = $.extend({}, defaultOptns, options);

    var $frame = $('<iframe id="iframeDialog" name="iframeDialog" />');

    if (opts.scrollable){
        $frame.css('overflow', 'auto');

    if (opts.width!= '100%' && opts.width!= 'auto'){
        opts.frameWidth = opts.width;
    console.log("width "+opts.width);
    console.log("frameWidth "+opts.frameWidth);

        'padding': 0,
        'margin': 0,
        'padding-bottom': 10,

    var $dialogWindow = $frame.dialog({
        autoOpen: true,
        modal: true,
        width: opts.width,
        height: opts.height,
        resizable: opts.resizable,
        position: opts.position,
        overlay: {
            opacity: 0.5,
            background: "black"
        close: fns.close,
        resizeStop: fns.adjustWidth

    $frame.attr('src', opts.url);

    $frame.load(function() {
        if ($dialogWindow) {

            var maxTitleLength = 50;
            var title = $(this).contents().find("title").html();

            if (title.length > maxTitleLength) {
                title = title.substring(0, maxTitleLength) + '...';
            $dialogWindow.dialog('option', 'title', title);
    $frame.css('width', opts.frameWidth);

    $dialog = new Object();
    $dialog.dialogArguments = opts.dialogArguments;
    $dialog.dialogWindow = $dialogWindow;
    $dialog.returnValue = null;

function postBackForm(targetElementId) {
    var theform;
    theform = document.forms[0];
    theform.__EVENTTARGET.value = targetElementId;
    theform.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = "";

var prntWindow = getParentWindowWithDialog(); //$(top)[0];

var $dlg = prntWindow && prntWindow.$dialog;

function getParentWindowWithDialog() {
    var p = window.parent;
    var previousParent = p;
    while (p != null) {
        if ($(p.document).find('#iframeDialog').length) return p;

        p = p.parent;

        if (previousParent == p) return null;

        // save previous parent

        previousParent = p;
    return null;

function setWindowReturnValue(value) {
    if ($dlg) $dlg.returnValue = value;
    window.returnValue = value; // in case popup is called using showModalDialog


function getWindowReturnValue() {
    // in case popup is called using showModalDialog

    if (!$dlg && window.returnValue != null)
        return window.returnValue;

    return $dlg && $dlg.returnValue;

if ($dlg) window.dialogArguments = $dlg.dialogArguments;
if ($dlg) window.close = function() { console.log("Close Called"); if ($dlg) $dlg.dialogWindow.dialog('close'); };

function disableScrolling(){
    $('html, body').css({'overflow': 'hidden','height': '100%'});

function enableScrolling(){
    $('html, body').css({'overflow': 'auto','height': 'auto'});

Called with:

                         url: "/Action/DisplayPage",height: 660,width: 708,
                         onClose: function(){popupContinue(); }

With a print button inside the iframe loaded.

I have tested this in IE 8-11, Firefox, Chrome. The display of the iframe looks the same on all browsers and the issue only happens when printing.

They seems to print correctly on: IE 8, Chrome, Firefox. However on IE9-11, the page appears to be scaling wrong.

The images have shrunk in size and the font has all scaled down. I appears that print is using a larger width than the iframe for printing, as when I add a fixed width of 650px. There is roughly 300px on each side left blank. When I check the width of the body and the iframe prior to printing, everything seems correct.

I'm welcome to any solutions that would help solve this issue.

Figured it out.

It would seem that IE 9+ does not like printing iframes inside itself.

So what I did was.

function customModalPrint(iframeId) {   
    var iframe = parent.$('#'+iframeId)[0]; 
    var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
    var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ");

    if (msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)){
       try {
          iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand('print', false, null);
       } catch(e) {

This forces IE to use iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand . This is the main factor to getting it to print correctly. Every other browser can use print as they are able to handle printing inside the iframe.

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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