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change y-axis limits timePlot

I am using the function timePlot (from openair), and I wanted to fix the limits of the y-axis. For that, I should select auto.text=FALSE , but I don't know how to specify the values for each specie. For instance:


      timePlot(selectByDate(mydata, year = 1998, month = 1), pollutant =
               + c("nox", "no2"), 
               y.relation="free",lwd = c(1, 2),lty=c(1,1),auto.text=FALSE) 

So, if I want to define the limits for nox let's say, 0 500 and for no2 0,80.. (just to change the values), how could I do that? Any suggestion??

Thanks in advance!

If you're willing to plot them one at a time then you can pass the ylim option from lattice :

timePlot(selectByDate(mydata, year = 1998, month = 1), pollutant = c("nox"), y.relation="free",
         lwd = c(1, 2),lty=c(1,1),auto.text=FALSE, ylim = c(0, 500)) 

timePlot(selectByDate(mydata, year = 1998, month = 1), pollutant = c("no2"), y.relation="free",
         lwd = c(1, 2),lty=c(1,1),auto.text=FALSE, ylim = c(0, 80)) 

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