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Open image in a new window using Razor and javascript

I'm trying to open in a new window a new full size image from each one. I'm using this code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function openImage(imageUrl) {

@foreach (var image in Model.Images)
        <img src="@Url.Action("Thumbnail", "Done", new { width = 150, height = 150, file = @imagen.filename })" alt="@imagen.filename" onclick="openImage('@Url.Content(ViewBag.Path + @imagen.filename)')" />

But using this when I click on a image it can't open anything.

Can you help me with this issue?

Thank you in advanced

EDITED the function openImage due to wrong code

解决方法是通过这种方式获取保存图片的目录的url: string url = Url.Content("~/Images");

There's a number of mismatched variable names in the question


I'll assume these are typos for the question.

Could be that ViewBag.Path is missing a / at the end. To get around this, don't concatenate ( + ) url parts, but use System.IO.Path.Combine , as in:

@Url.Content(Systemm.IO.Path.Combine(ViewBag.Path, image.filename))

Rather than using javascript onclick , you could change your loop to create simple links to new windows/tabs (these would also be navigable via the keyboard)

@foreach (var image in Model.Images)
    <a target="_blank" href='@Url.Content(ViewBag.Path + @image.filename)'>
        <img src="@Url.Action("Thumbnail", "Done", new { width = 150, height = 150 })" alt="@image.filename" />

If this doesn't work (and I'm expecting it won't for you), please provide details for:


function openImage(imageUrl) {

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