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Azure Resource Manager: unable to attach existing VHD when creating VM from powershell / azure preview portal

trying to migrate VMs from Azure Service Management to Azure Resource Manager, after having created new storage accounts and new vm configuration under ARM, I'm not able to deploy VMs WITH attached data disks based on migrated vhds..

Note: the deployment works w/o datadisks, fails with datadisks attached

 ResourceGroupName : Id : Name : n1n3-dc-1506 Type : Location : Tags : null AvailabilitySetReference : null Extensions : null HardwareProfile : { "VirtualMachineSize": "Standard_A2" } InstanceView : null NetworkProfile : { "NetworkInterfaces": [ { "Primary": true, "ReferenceUri": "/subscriptions/b540a9de-cd22-4d3e-b302-fd57b053cc8e/resourceGroups/N1N3/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/n1n3-dc-1506-NIC0" } ] } OSProfile : null Plan : null ProvisioningState : StorageProfile : { "DataDisks": [ { "DiskSizeGB": 1000, "Lun": 0, "Caching": "ReadOnly", "CreateOption": "attach", "Name": "n1n3-dc-1506-data0.vhd", "SourceImage": null, "VirtualHardDisk": { "Uri": "https://n1n3dcstdlrs1506.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/n1n3-dc-1506-data0.vhd" } } ], "ImageReference": null, "OSDisk": { "OperatingSystemType": "Windows", "Caching": "ReadOnly", "CreateOption": "attach", "Name": "n1n3-dc-1506-os.vhd", "SourceImage": null, "VirtualHardDisk": { "Uri": "https://n1n3dcstdlrs1506.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/n1n3-dc-1506-os.vhd" } }, "SourceImage": null }

Deployment status

 EndTime : 19/06/2015 12:12:08 +02:00 Error : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.ApiError Output : StartTime : 19/06/2015 12:12:07 +02:00 Status : Failed TrackingOperationId : f00aba57-e49d-4574-813a-2dc4803e6aa8 RequestId : 8fbfc336-05e4-47c4-a211-e2a9a5b40871 StatusCode : OK

Note: deploying the VMs, and trying to attach disks later fails anyway.

 # Get the VM $DC2vm = Get-AzureVM -ResourceGroupName $destResourceGroup -Name $DCvmName # Add Data Disk Add-AzureVMDataDisk –VM $DC2vm –Name $($DCdstVMName + '-data0.vhd') –VhdUri $('https://'+$DCdestSTDStorageName+'.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/'+$($DCdstVMName + '-data0.vhd')) –LUN 0 –Caching ReadOnly –DiskSizeinGB 500 -CreateOption attach -Verbose # Update VM state Update-AzureVM -ResourceGroupName $destResourceGroup -Name $DCvmName –VM $DC2vm Update-AzureVM : PropertyChangeNotAllowed: Changing property 'dataDisks' is not allowed. In riga:4 car:1 + Update-AzureVM -ResourceGroupName $destResourceGroup -Name $DCvmName –VM $DC2vm + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Update-AzureVM], CloudException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.UpdateAzureVMCommand

Any guess? Many thanks, Francesco

I had the same error message, when I used PowerShell script to attach the data disk during the New-AzureVM. My issue was that the DATAdisk had the same uri as the OSdisk, because I used the same variable accidentally.

You can use Azure Resource explorer to check it: https://resources.azure.com

Select the VM under your subscription/resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/ and look under StorageProfile.

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