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Change Plot Center or Camera Rotate Point in MATLAB - Earth_example

I'm plotting flight data around a 3D globe in MATLAB using this Earth_example file:


In order to examine the flight paths, I'd like to be able to move the rotate point to somewhere along the flight path or at the arrival or departure point, but I can't find a command that will let me do that. I've tried camtarget and campos, but neither let me rotate around a new point in the plot, and campos throws warnings and fails with the 3D Earth plot. Is there a function that lets you update the scene center to make rotating around a new point easy?

Here's a snippet of my code:

%% Calculate & Plot Great Circle Trajectories

for flight = flight_struct
    % [lat,lon] = gcwaypts(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,nlegs) - (nlegs = # of waypts along path)
    [lat,lon] = gcwaypts(flight.DepartureLatitude,flight.DepartureLongitude,flight.ArrivalLatitude,flight.ArrivalLongitude,50);

    % 3D Trajectories
    alt = ones(length(lat),1)*cruise_alt;
    lla_pos = [lat,lon,alt];
    ecef_pos = lla2ecef(lla_pos);
    x = ecef_pos(:,1);
    y = ecef_pos(:,2);
    z = ecef_pos(:,3);

Thanks for any help/guidance.

I think you're looking for camorbit as seen here:


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