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Access Denied (403) from AWS Cloudfront Signed Cookie on Rails backed app

I tried whole day for this, but I couldn't...

A. I made a model for creating signed cookie. I got help from : spacevatican.org

def cookie_data(resource, expiry)
  raw_policy = policy(resource, expiry)
    'CloudFront-Expires' => expiry.utc.to_i,
    'CloudFront-Signature' => sign(raw_policy),
    'CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id' => ENV['CLOUDFRONT_KEY_PAIR_ID']


def policy(url, expiry)
     "Statement"=> [
           "Resource" => url,
              "DateLessThan" =>{"AWS:EpochTime"=> expiry.utc.to_i}

def safe_base64(data)
  Base64.strict_encode64(data).tr('+=/', '-_~')

def sign(data)
  digest = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new
  result = key.sign digest, data

B. Call cookie_data with 'resource' and 'expiry'. I got help from randalv for proper resource.

base_domain = '.myapp.com' # sample name
cookie_domain: '.myapp.com'

cookie_data("http://#{URI.parse(base_domain).host}/*", 1.hour.from_now).each do |name, value|
  cookies[name] = { value: value, domain: cookie_domain }

C. From A & B, Three validation of Cloudfront are passed - 1. Three cookies existing validation, and 2. Expiry existing validation, 3. Decoding avalible validation. I know these three validation because of error message on invalid request. But after all, I am always faved with same message - Access Denied.

There are some suspects.

  1. My CNAME of Cloudfront is 'img.myapp.com' (sample), But My testing domain is 'http://dev.myapp.com/#/home' , and this is my local developing server(I changed localhost name).
    So I tried with many combinations of (base_domain, cookie_domain) : (img.myapp.com, .myapp.com), (.myapp.com, .myapp.com), (dev.myapp.com, .myapp.com).
    But All Denied.

  2. My Cloudfront & S3 Settings are same with those on randalv . But I mind two things. 'Restrict Bucket Access' is 'NO' on origin settings of cloudfront. And I do not create CORS configuration on S3.

I solved myself. I had three defects, and now it works well after correcting them.

First , I changed expires to policy.

'CloudFront-Expires' => expiry.utc.to_i,


'CloudFront-Policy' => safe_base64(raw_policy),

Actually, I had used policy(custom) instead of expires(canned). During my trying, I had changed. But I don't know why expires version doesn't work.

Second , My base_domain is 'img.myapp.com' and cookie_domain is '.myapp.com'.

Third , Do not input bucket name on your final url. Very trivial mistake, but important.

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