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W3 Total Cache Wordpress plugin disturbing my page layout

I am using W3 Total Cache plugin to improve speed of my website. I am following this article to set it up, under Minify tab when I set it to auto it disturbs my page structure and I guess disables my CSS.

Here is a screenshot. Under general settings tab when I set minify mode to auto it disturbs my theme.


Here is my disturbed theme:


您必须清除页面缓存。此插件上提供了“清除页面缓存”选项。为使CSS最小化,请从给定的URL进行缩小: http ://cssminifier.com/

try to uninstall W3 Total Cache plugin


tr to install the cache plugin, WP Super Cache

If you set to manual minifying, you need to load all your scripts and css files manually. You can do so with the help of the wizard, the help button on top of the minify tab. You can load everything there and then purge setting and see what happens.

If it still breaks down your site, you need to change the order of the files. There is a load order dependency, so you will need to figure it out.

Hope it helps.

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