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Joomla 3.4.1 Installation stuck at step 1

I'm trying to install the latest Joomla 3.4.1 CMS on my webspace but I can't get past step 1 in the installation process. When I fill out the fields for the basic configuration and press the Continue-Button, a short Loading-Animation appears and immediately disappears again, with no change what so ever.

There are no PHP errors, no console errors, nothing that indicates a possible source of the problem. Trying out solutions that I found via Google that suggest commenting or changing lines in certain PHP files didn't help. I'm running PHP version 5.3.14. MagicQuotes are on (turning them off didn't help either).

Anyone ideas what could be the problem?

It seems you trying to install Joomla in HTTPS mode. Switch to HTTP, install Joomla and then enable HTTPS mode again.

But the problem in your server settings. Check Apache modules. May be you need to add directive SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto https HTTPS=on.

Had the same problem while installing Joomla 3.9.8 on PHP 7.2 Solved by adding

magic_quotes_gpc = Off

to the php-bin/php.ini file

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