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Ansible error message

I'm trying to use ansible to build a docker image locally but I'm running into problems.

- hosts: all
    - name: Build Docker image
          module: docker_image
          path: .
          name: SlothSloth
          state: present

And my /etc/ansible/hosts contains

localhost   ansible_connection=local

But when I try to run it I get:

TASK: [Build Docker image] **************************************************** 
failed: [localhost ->] => {"failed": true, "parsed": false}
failed=True msg='failed to import python module: No module named docker.client'

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

If you are using virtualenv, you are probably running ansible with /usr/bin/python by default. To bypass this behavior, you have to define the variable "ansible_python_interpreter".

Try to use :

- hosts: all
    - ansible_python_interpreter: python
    - name: Build Docker image
          module: docker_image
          path: .
          name: SlothSloth
          state: present

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