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Jekyll code highlighting with markdown

I want to highlight some code in Jeckyll. With liquid tags it works and with kramdown it doesn't:

# This is highlighted
{% highlight C %}
void foo(){
{% endhighlight %}

# These aren't
~~~ C
void foo(){

``` C
void foo(){

The relevant parts of my _config.yml :

markdown: kramdown
  input: GFM

Does Jekyll not support markdown code blocks? If I stick this in github pages, will it work there?

GitHub Pages uses Pygments as the default syntax highlighter and the Liquid tag that wraps your code generates a lot of additional markup in the resulting HTML to make the code look pretty.

The back-tick and tilde Markdown notation simply wrap your code in <pre><code class="language-c"> tags. If you want to use Markdown and have the resulting HTML be syntax highlighted you can add a client-side solution to your HTML templates, such as Highlight.js .

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