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Handling routes without hashbang using angular-ui-router

I've searched a lot online for an answer to this but haven't found anything yet.

Right now I have this code in my file that I thought would handle all routes/states besides the ones I've specified:


However, this functionality only works for paths like localhost:1337/#/stuff , but if I type in localhost:1337/stuff , I get an ugly internal server error.

Ideally, I'd like localhost:1337/stuff or any other URL without a hashbang to redirect to localhost:1337/#/ (my app's homepage).

Any thoughts on how I can accomplish this?

You need to set up two things:

  1. A so-called " html5Mode " in your AngularJS configuration. That's the easy part: $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
  2. Set rewrites on your server so any request renders only your main html page.

From AngularJS docs on routing :

Using this mode requires URL rewriting on server side, basically you have to rewrite all your links to entry point of your application (eg index.html).

You can enable html5 mode within your app.js, which will also remove the hashbang from your links in your project ( localhost:1337/stuff instead of localhost:1337/#/stuff ).

If this is not the behavior you want, then you'll have to do the rewrites on the server side.

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