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Otto - subscribe multiple events in the same Fragment/Activity

I am using Retrofit with Otto. My problem is how to subscribe to multiple events in the same Fragment(or Activity). According to the official doc "The method should take only a single parameter, the type of which will be the event you wish to subscribe to." :

I can't do @Subscribe public void getAllData(Event1 event1, Event2 event2); .

Also I can't subscribe twice, like: @Subscribe public void getDataOne(Event1 event1); and @Subscribe public void getDataTwo(Event2 event2); in the same Fragment(or Activity) class.

In my Fragment class I register and unregister the bus:

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {

public void onDetach() {

Using generic class:

  public class BusProvider {
    private static final Bus BUS = new Bus();

    public static Bus getInstanceBus(){
        return BUS;

    private BusProvider(){}

I post my event from success() method of my retrofit request:

        public void success(DataResponseOne dataResponseOne, Response response) {
            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG, " !SUCCES!");

            //sent data to otto bus

[some code for to get json in string]

            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG + "  !SUCCES!" + resultJSON );

and the same for the second event:

        public void success(DataResponseTwo dataResponseTwo, Response response) {
            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG, " !SUCCES!");

            //sent data to otto bus

[some code for to get json in string]

            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG + "  !SUCCES!" + resultJSON );

I suppose there is some tricky that I miss. Any advices will be appreciated.

Actually I was changed my library from Otto to EventBus (com.google.common.eventbus). Here this is not a big deal anymore, I can subscribe multiple Events in the same Fragment/Activity using the same manner. Anyway, I'll put here some code for beginners who have the same issue.

So, the first we need to declare library into gradle:

compile group: 'com.google.guava', name: 'guava', version: '15.0'

Then create a generic class for all project, with EventBus instance:

public class EventBusGenerics {

        private static EventBus 

EVENTBUS = new EventBus();

public static EventBus getInstanceEventBus() {
    return EVENTBUS;

private EventBusGenerics() {

Post your events into the buss:

(first one)

        public void success(DataResponseOne dataResponseOne, Response response) {
            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG, " !SUCCES!");

            //sent data to otto bus

[some code for to get json in string]

            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG + "  !SUCCES!" + resultJSON );

(second one)

        public void success(DataResponseTwo dataResponseTwo, Response response) {
            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG, " !SUCCES!");

            //sent data to otto bus

[some code for to get json in string]

            Log.d(GeneralConstants.LOG_TAG + "  !SUCCES!" + resultJSON );

Register and unregister Fragment/Activity where we need this event:

(here is for fragment)

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {

public void onDetach() {

and subscribe the events, both of them :

    public void onSubscribeLoginResponse(DataResponseOne dOne) {
[code to use the event...]

    public void onSubscribeLoginResponse(DataResponseTwo dTwo) {
[code to use the event...]

You can have both data responses extend the same base class which your subscriber takes as a parameter. You can then use instanceOf to see if it is Event1 or Event2 .

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