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Configuration parameters in pm2 to display colors in console

I use pm2 to keep my node.js app alive, I am starting my app with a configuration file that looks like this:

    "name"        : "myApp",
    "script"      : "app.js",
    "log_date_format"  : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
    "ignoreWatch" : ["node_modules","public"],
    "watch"       : true,

Additionally I am using the package colors to identify different types of messages but all the logs lose their color when I run the command

pm2 logs

My question is: what can I add to my configuration file to be able to see the colors in console?

When I did use a other logger modules, (like a colors , tracer )

(In my case, var logger = require('tracer').colorConsole(); as logger )

    "args": [ "--color" ]

this "args": "--color" keeps my logger's log color.

Insert that code in your pm2 script,

then you can see your color log by that command: pm2 logs "id" --raw (id is a pm2 id)

    "name"        : "myApp",
    "script"      : "app.js",
    "log_date_format"  : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
    "ignoreWatch" : ["node_modules","public"],
    "watch"       : true,
    "args": [

The process is needed to pm2 stop , pm2 delete and new pm2 start using script.

I found I also needed to add this option for debug to my pm2 process.json file

"env": { "DEBUG_COLORS": true }

then can view colored debug logs with both pm2 logs and pm2 logs --raw

Try using the --raw switch. Like this —

pm2 logs --raw

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