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PHPStorm 8.0.3 and Remote ssh phpunit bug

I was following this official tutorial on how to run phpunit tests via ssh to another server. Everything went fine, until I actually created test configuration and tried to run the test. The error that I'm getting is this:

ssh://root@ /root/.phpstorm_helpers/phpunit.php --no-configuration /opt/container/www/app/lib/tests
Testing started at 19.51 ...
bash: line 0: cd: /opt/container/www/app/lib: No such file or directory
Cannot open file "/opt/container/www/app/lib/tests.php".

So I figured that actually the problem is in the path to the test folder. But this is the thing, in this dialog:


directory of the test folder must be located using the local file system, but the actual test folder is on the remote machine and has a different path. As a test, I created '/opt/container/www/app/lib/tests' path on remote server, and voila, phpunit is running successfully. So, the point is that I can't put in the Directory input box the real location of the test folder on remote server, and the tutorial doesn't say nothing about that. Did I miss somethimg, or this is really a bug ?

EDIT: Here is my current configuration:


where directory points to the directory on local file system

Remote interpreter configured:




I was able actually to select autload.php from remote server.

For anyone having in PHPStorm error like:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Class ... not found...

You have to install phpunit by composer on project level:

  • by add phpunit to project composer.json file in require-dev section and run composer update ,
  • by run composer require phpunit/phpunit in project root directory,

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