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jquery function called multiple times

I have 2 js files. In the first one I have this:

var functionName = "video"; 
var cont = 1;

$(function() { 
    window.control = function control() {   
        var tipo1 = functionName + cont + "();";
        var tipo2 = eval(tipo1);

In the second one:

function video1() {

function video2() {

The first time was fine, but in the second, first execute video1() and then video2() , why?

Your definition is wrong:

window.control = function control() { 

I imagine because of this it's firing control() execution.

Change this to:

window.control = function() { 

Also I see no reason for defining this function at DOM ready state. It will just cause confusion and potential reference issues. The definition of a function is only ran at execution point, these should potentially be on DOM ready state depending on their use.

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