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Copy files from MSBuild folder to Output folder using Powershell

Using TFS 2013 and I have files that show up in the c:\\builds location that need to be copied over to the build output folder once the build is complete. Would like to use powershell to accomplish this while using the TfvcTemplate.12 .

Below is the closest thing I could find as a reference, but I'm not familiar with powershell, or how to point the $SrcDir and $DestDir to the c:\\builds folder since it is never the same or the output folder since it changes as well.


I use PowerShell quite a bit in my TeamBuild 2012 (customized) workflow. You need to create an InvokeProcess activity. Set it to start PowerShell.exe. I pass in arguments like:

"-NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command ""& {" + SourcesDirectory + "\Common\Build\AuthenticodeSignFiles.ps1 '" + outputDirectory + "'" + " -Verbose:" + PowerShellVerboseSwitchValue + "}"""

TeamBuild defines SourcesDirectory, BinariesDirectory and DropLocation which you can pass to PowerShell. The "Compile and Test for Configuration" activity defines the variable outputDirectory which is updated for each config|platform combo it builds.

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