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Progressbar.js combine two effects

I am trying to combine 2 effects from progressbar.js but I can't get it working. Could somebody take a look and maybe help me out?

This is my codepen with the code that I have so far:


var startColor = '#FC5B3F';
var endColor = '#9ec64d';

window.onload = function onLoad() {
    var circle = new ProgressBar.Circle('.progress', {
        color: startColor,
        duration: 3000,
        easing: 'bounce',
        strokeWidth: 8,

        // Set default step function for all animate calls
        step: function(state, circle, bar) {
            circle.path.setAttribute('stroke', state.color);
          bar.setText((bar.value() * 100).toFixed(0));

    // This will get the number from the page
    var value = ($('.progress').attr('value') / 100);

    // This will determine the circumference of the circle
    circle.animate(value, {
        from: {color: startColor},
        to: {color: endColor}

I am trying to combine the percent text with the custom animation. The demo's can be found on this page:


I would have no problem rewarding whoever can help me out with this.

you need to add the step function in the circle.animate method

this is how your circle.animate should look

circle.animate(value, {
    from: {
        color: startColor
    to: {
        color: endColor
    step: function(state, circle, bar) {
        circle.path.setAttribute('stroke', state.color);
        circle.setText((circle.value() * 100).toFixed(0));

here's a working JSFIDDLE for the same.

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