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Mock class in phpunit

I'm finally getting into PHP unit testing (yeah better late than never!)

I have a Utility class that does a few things including authenticating a user's access against a webservice. The Utility::authenticate method takes a Settings object, which contains the username etc. that are checked by authenticate .

So in my test, I mock a Settings object like this:

$settings = $this->getMock('Settings', array('getSettings'));

        'USERNAME' => 'testuser',
        'SERVER' => 'testserver'

$mock = $settings->getSettings();

So far so good, but when I try to pass that mocked object to authenticate it throws an error:

$this->assertEquals($testvalue, Utilities::authenticate($settings));
Argument 1 passed to Utilities::authenticate() must be an instance of Settings, instance of Mock_Settings_d0361624 given

How can I mock the Settings object so it appears to be a "real" object to the Utilities class?

EDIT to add the getSettings function:

class Settings {

private $settings;
private static $instance;

public function __construct(){
    $configfile = "config/config.ini";
    //if( !$this->settings = parse_ini_file( $configfile, true ) ){
 * @return Settings
public static function getSettings(){
    if ( !self::$instance ){
        self::$instance = new Settings();
    if(!utilities::authenticate(self::$instance)) die('AUTHENTICATION FAILED-- CHECK API KEY');
    return self::$instance;

This error message occur when you create the object with a wrong classname. Check the getMock method pass the full classname with the namespace, like:

$settings = $this->getMock('Acme\DemoBundle\Model\Settings', array('getSettings'));

Hope this help


The method is static and the phpunit library don't support mock static method as described here and here .

So you can use some mockking framework such as Phake that support mocking static method as described here . As working example:

public function test_authenticate()
    $settings = \Phake::mock('Acme\DemoBundle\Model\Settings');

            'USERNAME' => 'testuser',
            'SERVER' => 'testserver'

    $mock = $settings->getSettings();

    $testvalue = true;
    $this->assertEquals($testvalue, Utilities::authenticate($settings));

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