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ReactJS this.props.data is undefined

I've got two classes, officerModals and OfficerPhoto , and officerModals is supposed to pass data into OfficerPhoto . However, when I try to log out the data in OfficerPhoto I just get an undefined . I've been following Reacts' tutorial and I have no idea where I could have gone wrong. Can anyone help?

reactReady = -> 
    officerModals = React.createClass
        getInitialState: ->
            {data: []}
        componentDidMount: ->            
                url: this.props.url
                dataType: 'json'
                cache: false
                success:((data) ->
                    @setState data: data
                    # console.log data <- this logs the correct data
                    console.log @state.data.officers <- so does this
        render: ->
            React.createElement 'div', { className: 'photos' }, React.createElement(OfficerPhoto, data: @state.data.officers)

    OfficerPhoto = React.createClass                  
        render: ->              
            React.createElement 'h1', {className: 'yes'}
        console.log 'test'                                      
        console.log @props #<- this returns undefined

    React.render React.createElement(officerModals, {url: "officers.json"}), $('#officerPics').get 0

$(document).ready reactReady
$(document).on 'page:load', reactReady

Edit: I stuck in a string right before I log @props and I uncommented @state.data.officers . It seems that OfficerPhoto is being rendered before officerModals - how would I fix that?

This looks like a race-condition. Your ajax query does not return before the render method runs, thus state.data.officers is undefined.

The problem is officeModals doesn't pass props on OfficerPhoto. Maybe using Object.assign will solve your propblem :

React.createElement(OfficerPhoto, Object.assign({}, this.props, { data: 'values' }));

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