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AVPlayer seekToTime not correct With UISlider

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.slider.maximumValue = 30;

- (void)slide:(UISlider *)slider {
    NSLog(@"....progress  slider value:%d", (int)slider.value);
    CMTime showingTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds((int)slider.value, 1);
    [self.player seekToTime:showingTime];

Everytime I slide the UISlider, The console log the right number as I slided. like 6 seconds. But the slider would jump back to 0; If I slide it to value bigger than 10, like 14, It would slide back to 10.

Can anybody help me ? Thanks

Try this.

You gotta init a CMTime object based on UISlider's value at first. Then you call AVPlayer object's seek to time method. Pass the CMTime object as parameter.

CMTime showingTime = CMTimeMake(slider.value *1000, 1000);

[self.player seekToTime:showingTime toleranceBefore:kCMTimeZero toleranceAfter:kCMTimeZero];

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