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expand and collapse View functionality in Angularjs

Category 1 (Level 1)
- Subcategory 1 (Level 2)
----Sub-Subcategory 2 (Level 3)
-----Sub-subcategory 3 (Level 3)
Category 2 (Level 1)
- Subcategory 2 (Level 2)
- Subcategory 3 (Level 2)
-----Sub-subcategory 4 (Level 3)
------Subcategory 5 (Level 3)

For Example 1:

Tangible Assets (Level 1)
-.Vehicles      (Level 2)
----Staff Vehicles (Level 3)
- Computers & Electronics (Level 2)
-----Cash Counting Machine (Level 3)
----Computer & Electronics (Level 3)
----Computer Software      (Level 3)

Show Record Level 1 click the Level 1 display Level 2 then click the Level 2 display Level 3

The tricky part when building a tree like structure is directive recursion. Google for "recursive directive" to find some info about the problems. The solution is to add and compile the recursive parts in link . I've built a simple example here http://plnkr.co/edit/JgQu3r?p=preview

function myMenu() {
    return {
      scope : {
        myMenu : '=myMenu'
      template: '<li ng-repeat="item in myMenu"><my-menu-item></my-menu-item></li>'

myMenuItem.$inject = ['$compile'];
function myMenuItem($compile) {
    return {
      template: '<a href ng-bind="item.name" ng-click="show($event)"></a>',
      link: function(scope, element) {
        if (angular.isArray(scope.item.menu)) {
                '<ul ng-if="collapsed" my-menu="item.menu"></ul>')(scope));

        scope.show = function($event) {
          scope.collapsed = !scope.collapsed;

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