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Gulp rename and base path

I am searching for a solution allowing to modify the base part of path. I have a path like 'app/assets/theme/file.css' that i get with 'app/**/*.css' pattern and I would like to transform it to 'dist/assets/theme/file.css'.

For now I am doing something like:

    .pipe(rename(function(path) {
        path.dirname = paths.dist + path.dirname;

wich give me 'app/dist/assets/theme/file.css' instead of 'dist/assets/theme/file.css'. I don't find the way to erase 'app/' part.

How could I obtain the good result (using rename or another plugin if necessary) ?

There is a base option in gulp.src which you can use

gulp.src(paths.styles, {base: 'app'})

Read the doc for more details.

您可以尝试使用String replace(),如下所示:

gulp.src(paths.styles) .pipe(rename(function(path) { var newPath = paths.dist + path.dirname; path.dirname = newPath.replace('app/'); })

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