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returning variables F#(canopy) easiest way

 member x.Logovani(window : string) =
            let weburl = ref ""   
            let actwindow = ref ""     

            "Login" &&& fun _ ->
                browser.SwitchTo().Window(window) |> ignore
                weburl := currentUrl()
                actwindow := browser.CurrentWindowHandle
                return {|weburl,actwindow|}

Hello my question is how to pass weburl and actwindow easiest way, because the way of my return is not working. I want to call function Logovani pass to that function var window and then recieved weburl and actwindow

so finally i fixed it like this

 member x.Logovani(window : string) : string ref =
            let weburl = ref ""   
                browser.SwitchTo().Window(window) |> ignore
                weburl := currentUrl()

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