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Use angular to mark modified elements in a list

I want to synchronize data, therefore I have a data object containing the current state. When this is changed I would like to set an attribute on the object so that I can filter by this when syncing. The object structure is:

data = {  
type1: [  
  {a:"a", b:"b"},...  
type2: [  
  {c:"c", d:"d"},...  

For example if data.type1[0].a = "test" would be done, I would like to add modified: true to the object so that it would be

{a:"test", b:"b", modified:true}

I have tried $watch(data, function(), true) but I can not find how I can see which object was changed and searching both given data objects would be a large overhead. $watchcollection (when just looking for adding/deleting) also does not give an index.
Is there any way to find out which object was changed? Or is there an other library which can do this well?

Thank you

I created a jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/yfo8xwah/

Although this is a silly workaround but what you can do is to keep a method in data object like :

data = {type1 : {}, type2 : {}, ... , checkModification : function (field)
{data[field].modified = true; return data[field];}}

Now You can assign any object like this data.checkModification('type1').a = "test" This may give you satisfactory result.

Ok, I had made it work: https://jsfiddle.net/yfo8xwah/4/ .

First of all I have applied a simple watcher on the data model. Inside the watcher I have used this beautiful library for object comparing and matching any differences and inject the modification flag.

So my $watch function looks like this:

$scope.$watch(function () {
        return $scope.data;
    }, function (newD, oldD, scope) {
        //dont run on init mate ;)
        if (angular.equals(newD, oldD)) {
        //now find the differences and apply em
        var diffs = objectDiff.diffOwnProperties(newD, oldD);
        console.log(diffs, "diffs");

        if (diffs.changed != "equal") {
            //you should solve this recursively ;)
            angular.forEach(diffs.value, function (value, key) {
                if (value.changed != "equal") {
                    angular.forEach(value.value, function (subvalue, subkey) {
                        if (subvalue.changed != "equal") {
                            $scope.data[key][subkey]["modified"] = true;

    }, true);

After considering the different options, I decided that it was necessary to use custom getters/setters.

This is necessary as no real event handler exists and it would be very inefficient to always compare the whole data set (which might have a few thousand elements).

I think this will help ......

 var app = angular.module('sample', []); app.controller("MyAppCtrl", function ($scope, $timeout) { $scope.data = { type1: [{ a: "a", b: "b" }, { a: "c", b: "d" }], type2: [{ m: 0, k: 1 }, { m: 45, k: 92 }] } $scope.$watch('data.type1[0].a', function () { console.log('data changed'); $scope.data.type1[0].modified = true; console.log($scope.data.type1[0]) }); }); 
 <body ng-app="sample"> <div ng-controller="MyAppCtrl"> <input type="text" ng-model="data.type1[0].a"> <br> <label>{{data.type1[0].a}}</label> </div> </body> 


Try it. Whenever particular object's property change by input like textbox

Than on change event pass that object to this function like below:

<input  data-ng-model="data.type1.a" type="text" 
        $scope.onChage = function (object) {
            object.IsDirty = 'modified';

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