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PhpStorm code completion based on parameters

I am wondering, if it's possible to have code completion based on parameters passed to a method.


class One { public function foo(){} }
class Two { public function bar(){} }
class DI {
    public function get($name) {
        if ($name === 'foo') {
            return new One();
        } elseif ($name === 'bar') {
            return new Two();

(new DI())->get('one')-> offers me both foo and bar

is there a way, how to tell PhpStorm, that if name is one, I well get class One ?

Sure -- have a look at Advanced Metadata support .

Please note that this kind of metadata will only work since PhpStorm v9 (just released yesterday) as v8 only supports static factories.

For example:

namespace PHPSTORM_META {
        \DI::get('') => [
            "foo" instanceof \One,
            "bar" instanceof \Two,


In your code (inside method get() ) you are using foo and bar as keys to define what class to create .. but when using actual DI->get() you are using class names as keys (eg one ). I'm sure it's just a typo .. but still -- next time try to provide valid code as an example.

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