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Reduce glmer model size

I'm new to R and I'm using glmer to fit several binomial models and I only need them for calling predict to use the resulting probabilities. However, I have a very large dataset and the size of even just one model becomes extremely large:

> library(pryr)
> object_size(mod)
701 MB

The size of the coefficients of the model pales in comparison:

> object_size(coef(mod))
1.16 MB

As does the size of the fitted values:

> object_size(fitted(mod))
25.6 MB

First of all, I don't understand why the object size of the model is so large. It seems like it contains the original data frame used to fit the model, but even that doesn't account for the size. Why is it so huge?

Second, is it possible to strip the model down to only the parts needed to call predict? If so, how would I go about doing this? I found a post where this was done for glm at http://blog.yhathq.com/posts/reducing-your-r-memory-footprint-by-7000x.html but it seems that glmer models are accessed differently and have different components.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Digging into the model's internals:

> object_size(getME(mod, "X"))
205 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Z"))
36.9 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Zt"))
38.4 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Ztlist"))
41.6 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "mmList"))
38.4 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "y"))
3.2 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "mu"))
3.2 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "u"))
18.4 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "b"))
19.5 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Gp"))
56 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "Tp"))
472 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "L"))
15.5 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Lambda"))
38.1 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Lambdat"))
38.1 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Lind"))
9.22 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "Tlist"))
936 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "A"))
38.4 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "RX"))
30.3 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "RZX"))
1.05 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "sigma"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "flist"))
4.89 MB
> object_size(getME(mod, "fixef"))
4.5 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "beta"))
496 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "theta"))
472 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "ST"))
936 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "REML"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "is_REML"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "n_rtrms"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "n_rfacs"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "N"))
256 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "n"))
256 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "p"))
256 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "q"))
256 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "p_i"))
408 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "l_i"))
408 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "q_i"))
408 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "mod"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "m_i"))
424 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "m"))
48 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "cnms"))
624 B
> object_size(getME(mod, "devcomp"))
2.21 kB
> object_size(getME(mod, "offset"))
3.2 MB

> get_obj_size(mod@resp, "RC")
family            673355488
initialize        673355488
initialize#lmResp 673355488
ptr               673355488
resDev            673355488
updateMu          673355488
updateWts         673355488
wrss              673355488
eta                 3196024
mu                  3196024
n                   3196024
offset              3196024
sqrtrwt             3196024
sqrtXwt             3196024
weights             3196024
wtres               3196024
y                   3196024
Ptr                      40
> get_obj_size(mod@pp, "RC")
beta          449419408
initialize    449419408
initializePtr 449419408
ldL2          449419408
ldRX2         449419408
linPred       449419408
ptr           449419408
setTheta      449419408
sqrL          449419408
u             449419408
X             204549128
V             182171288
Ut             38448168
Zt             38448168
LamtUt         38353248
Xwts            3196024
RZX             1047176
Lambdat           38136
VtV               26192
delu              18408
u0                18408
Utr               18408
Lind               9224
beta0               496
delb                496
Vtr                 496
theta                72
Ptr                  40

Posting as an incomplete answer for now:

gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
               data = cbpp, family = binomial)
object_size(gm1)  ## 505 kB

Following Steve Walker's S3/S4/Reference class dictionary for listing and extracting fields:

get_obj_size <- function(obj,type="S4") {
    fields <- switch(type,
    get_field <- switch(type,
                     S4=function(x) slot(obj,x),
                     RC=function(x) obj[[x]])
    field_list <- setNames(lapply(fields,get_field),fields)
##           [,1]
## resp    356620  ## 'response module'
## pp      355420  ## 'predictor module'
## frame     6640
## optinfo   1748
## devcomp   1424
## call      1244
## flist     1232
## cnms       224
## u          152
## beta        56
## Gp          32
## lower       32
## theta       32

It will be worth further digging into the response and predictor modules to see what's there/what's big, with the caveats/complication that some information will be stored in the environment of those components

For example, I think that the whole slew of components that are nominally the same size are below are not actually independent, but have the same environment ...

##                     [,1]
## initialize        356620
## initialize#lmResp 356620
## ptr               356620
## resDev            356620
## setOffset         356620
## updateMu          356620
## updateWts         356620
## wrss              356620
## family             26016
## eta                  472
## mu                   472
## n                    472
## offset               472
## sqrtrwt              472
## sqrtXwt              472
## weights              472
## wtres                472
## y                    472
## Ptr                   20

Another way to see what components are stored is to use object_size(getME(model,component)) and iterate over the components listed via eval(formals(getME)$name) ; this corresponds less precisely to the way the information is stored internally, but will give you an idea of how much space is required to hold (eg) the fixed-effect or random-effect model matrices.

I worked on this some more and have a partial solution, but there's still a lot stored that I can't seem to find/trim away of properly ( note that this requires the latest version of lme4 on Github: I had to modify the predict function slightly to weaken the dependence on internal structures).

glmer_chop <- function(object) {
    newobj <- object
    newobj@frame <- model.frame(object)[0,]
    newobj@pp <- with(object@pp,
                       Zt=Zt)) ## .sparseDiagonal(n,shape="g")))
    newobj@resp <- new("glmResp",family=binomial(),y=numeric(0))
fm1 <- glmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district), Contraception, binomial)
object_size(Contraception)  ## 133 kB
object_size(fm1)  ## 1.05 MB
object_size(fm2 <- glmer_chop(fm1))  ## 699 kB
get_obj_size(fm2)          ## 'pp' is 547200 bytes
get_obj_size(fm2@pp,"RC")  ## 'initialize' object is 547200
fm2 <- readRDS("tmp.rds")
object_size(fm2)  ## 796 kB
pp <- predict(fm2,newdata=Contraception)
object_size(fm2) ## still 796K; no sharing

Note finally that compare_size(fm2) confirms that most of the information here is stored in environments, not in the object itself (but I don't know how compare_size / object.size deal with reference classes ...)

Is your concern about storage space or RAM? If it's about storage, one option would be to embed the call to estimate the model in the code that generates the predictions, so you never actually store the model object. Something like:

predictions <- predict(glmer(y ~ x, family = binomial), type = "response")

Using the current lme-package version (1.1-31.1), the proposed answer from @BenBolker does unfortunately give wrong (different) results when using the predict()-function. One needs to include the "delu" object to fix this and have the same predictions as the original model object:

glmer_chop <- function(object) {
  newobj <- object
  newobj@frame <- model.frame(object)[0,]
  newobj@pp <- with(object@pp,
                        Zt=Zt)) ## .sparseDiagonal(n,shape="g")))
  newobj@resp <- new("glmResp",family=binomial(),y=numeric(0))

(comment would have been sufficient, but I don't have enough reputation)

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