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Heroku DEBUG = False ==> 500 Error

I have read all questions on this site and all other tutorials on the web and nothing is working for me, and I'm really thinking of just dropping heroku all together.

here's my issue, when I set DEBUG to False, I get a 500 error, but I can still access my admin page, normally.

my heroku settings is as follows

from base import * 
import dj_database_url

from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, join, normpath
from sys import path
from memcacheify import memcacheify

CACHES = memcacheify()

# Allow all host headers

DATABASES['default'] =  dj_database_url.config()

DEBUG = False

I have tried allowed hosts to be my-herokuapp.herokoapp.com and to be localhost, and localhost ip. I'm out of ideas and I have no idea why it's not working.

如果本地ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost','']否则ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['web.ru']

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