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clean if mocha passes tests

I am trying to build a gulp based on a grunt file, what the grunt file does is activate a server, run mocha then close the server. If mocha passes all tests clean the log file. I look thru some gulp examples and found the .on('error') event. It's not really what I need because from what I can tell it only runs if mocha has an error. I need something like this:

gulp.task('mocha',['startServer'], function() {
return gulp.src('./js/test/actual/*.js', {read:false})
        reporter: 'spec',
        ui : "tdd"
    .on('test fail', function () {//Check if all tests pased(aka. at least one test failed)
        //Do the clear here


I found a solution:

var cleanUp = true;

function handleError(err) {
    cleanUp = false;
    console.log("Error detected in mocha(probably a test failed) :\n" +err.toString());

We get a var to remember if we had errors or not and a callback function to deal with the error that gulp-mocha will throw in case there are failed tests(a try-catch block does not work from my experience probably doe to the asynchronous nature).

gulp.task('mocha', function() {
    run('forever start -o server.log -e server.log server.js').exec();
        return gulp.src('./js/test/actual/*.js', {read: false})
                reporter: 'spec',
                ui: "tdd"

Mocha will modify the cleanUp var if it detects an error.

gulp.task('default',['mocha'], function () {
    run('forever stop server.js').exec().on('error', handleError1);
    if (cleanUp) {
        console.log("Mocha successfully passed, deleting the log");
        fs.unlink("./server.log",  function(err){
            if (err) console.log("fs.unlink error:\n" + err.toString());

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