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How to instantiate module for unit test?

Trying to run my jasmine unit test for my angular filter. This is what the filter looks like:

(function() {
  'use strict';
  var app = angular.module('mymodule');
      app.filter('customCurrency', function($filter) {
        return function(amount, currencySymbol, fractionSize) {
          var currency = $filter('currency');

          if (amount < 0) {
            return currency(amount, currencySymbol).replace('(', '-').replace(')', '');

So I have defined it in mymodule and this is what the unit test looks like:

describe('custom currency Filter', function() {
  var myUpperFilter, $filter;

  beforeEach(function() {
    inject(function($injector) {
      // Append Filter to the filter name

      // Usign $filter Provider
      $filter = $injector.get('$filter');

  it('if I have 2 zeros in decimals only display max of 2 zeros in decimals', function() {
    // using $filter
    expect($filter('customCurrency')(1.0011, '$', undefined)).toEqual('$1<span class="decimals">.00</span>');


However getting this error when running the test:

Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module mymodule due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'mymodule' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.

Update: I actually have a situation with a main module and a dependent one:

var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ngRoute','mymodule']);
var app2 = angular.module('mymodule');

changed plunkr:


I think you've missed the dependency array in your module definition. Should be:

var app = angular.module('mymodule', [])

I also inject the module in a separate forEach block.

Try this



var app = angular.module('mymodule', []);

app.filter('customCurrency', function($filter) {

    return function(amount, currencySymbol, fractionSize) {
      var currency = $filter('currency');

      if (amount < 0) {
        return currency(amount, currencySymbol).replace('(', '-').replace(')', '');

      var rounded = round(amount, fractionSize),
        currencyString = currency(rounded, currencySymbol, fractionSize),
        amounts = currencyString.split("."),

        integerPart = amounts[0],
        fractionalPart = amounts[1] || false,
        zerosFromRight = countZerosFromRight(fractionalPart);

      if (fractionalPart && zerosFromRight > 2) {

        var lastNonZero = indexLastNonZero(fractionalPart);

        // only zeros in fractionalPart
        if (lastNonZero > -1) {
          return integerPart +
            '<span class="decimals">.' +
            fractionalPart.slice(0, lastNonZero + 1) + '</span>';

        return integerPart + '<span class="decimals">.00</span>';


      if (fractionalPart) {
        return integerPart + '<span class="decimals">.' + fractionalPart + '</span>';

      return integerPart;

      function round(str, decimals) {
        var num = +str;

        return num.toFixed(decimals);

      function indexLastNonZero(str) {
        var len = str.length;

        while (len--) {

          if (str[len] !== '0') {
            return len;

        return -1;

      function countZerosFromRight(str) {

        var len = str.length,
          count = 0;

        while (len--) {

          if (str[len] === '0') {


        return count



describe('custom currency Filter', function() {

  var $scope = null;
  var ctrl = null;

  //you need to indicate your module in a test

  beforeEach(function() {
    inject(function($injector) {
      $filter = $injector.get('$filter');

  it('if I have 2 zeros in decimals only display max of 2 zeros in decimals', function() {
    // using $filter
    expect($filter('customCurrency')(1.0011, '$', undefined)).toEqual('$1<span class="decimals">.00</span>');


Thanks for putting together the plunkr. This worked for me to instantiate the test. The test failed, but you should be able to work from here:

describe('custom currency Filter', function() {
  var myUpperFilter, $filter;


  beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
    // Append Filter to the filter name

    // Usign $filter Provider
    $filter = $injector.get('$filter');

  it('if I have 2 zeros in decimals only display max of 2 zeros in decimals', function() {
    // using $filter
    expect($filter('customCurrency')(1.0011, '$', undefined)).toEqual('$1<span class="decimals">.00</span>');

Hope this helps.

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