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What is the cleanest way to make views in the AngularJS UI-Router?

I've created this app :

var accolade = angular.module('accolade', [

accolade.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',      function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


$stateProvider.state('list', {
    url: '/list',
    resolve: {
        headerFactory:  function(headerFactory) {
            return  headerFactory;
    views: {
        'main': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/list.html',
            controller: 'ListController'
        'header': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/header.html',
            controller: 'HeaderController'
        'breadcrumb': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/breadcrumb.html',
            controller: function($scope) {
                $scope.breadcrumb = ['Home', 'Library', 'Data'];
        'sidebar': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/sidebar.html'
state('details', {
    url: '/details/:id',
    resolve: {
        headerFactory:  function(headerFactory) {
            return  headerFactory;
    views: {
        'header': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/header.html',
            controller: 'HeaderController'
        'main': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/details.html',
            controller: 'DetailsController'

        'breadcrumb' : {
            templateUrl: 'partials/breadcrumb.html',
            controller: function($scope) {
                $scope.breadcrumb = ['Home', 'Library', 'Details'];
        'sidebar': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/sidebar.html'


As you can see there are two routes: /list and /details, the app works perfectly but I'm just looking for the best way of making views, as you can see, everytime I navigate to a route, we repeat the same views by rewriting the same views for example: header is the same, sidebar ... etc.

You could create a state hierarchy just make details state as child state of your app

$stateProvider.state('main', {
    url: '/main',
    abstract: true,
    resolve: {
        headerFactory: function(headerFactory) {
            return headerFactory;
    views: {
        'header': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/header.html',
            controller: 'HeaderController'
        'breadcrumb': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/breadcrumb.html',
            controller: function($scope) {
                $scope.breadcrumb = ['Home', 'Library', 'Data'];
        'sidebar': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/sidebar.html'
state('main.list', {
    url: '/list',
    views: {
        'main@main.list': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/list.html',
            controller: 'ListController'
state('main.details', {
    url: '/details/:id',
    views: {
        'main@main.details': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/details.html',
            controller: 'ListController'

Thanks, i changed my code to :


state('home', {
    abstract: true,
    views: {
        'header': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/header.html',
            controller: 'HeaderController'
        'breadcrumb': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/breadcrumb.html',
            controller: function($scope) {
                $scope.breadcrumb = ['Home', 'Library', 'Data'];
        'sidebar': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/sidebar.html'

state('home.list', {
    url: '/list',
    views: {
        'main@': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/list.html',
            controller: 'ListController'
state('home.details', {
    url: '/details/:id',
    views: {
        'main@': {
            templateUrl: 'partials/details.html',
            controller: 'DetailsController'

in my index i have this :

    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <!-- SideBar -->
            <div ui-view="sidebar" class="col-xs-3 sidebar"></div>
            <!-- /.SideBar -->

            <div class="col-xs-8">
                <!-- Breadcrumb -->
                <div ui-view="breadcrumb" class="pull-right"></div>
                <!-- /.Breadcrumb -->

                <!-- Main Content -->
                <div ui-view="main"></div>
                <!-- /.Main Content -->

the problem is that the first time i enter the app (the otherwise works fine) but when trying to click on a hyperlink with details/id i get this error : Error: Could not resolve 'details' from state 'home.list', i'm a little bit confused right now !!!

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