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jQuery: save position of divs which are inside two sortable divs

I want to save the position of the div-boxes inside the sortable left-div/right-div. PS: I use the jquery-cookie plugin.

With position, I mean:

  • Whether the item (like #module_weather or #module_news ) is in the left or right div
  • In which order the items (like #module_weather or #module_news ) are, for example in the left div: at first #module_weather and then #module_news

在此处输入图片说明 Javascript (jQuery)

$( ".padding_10px" ).sortable({
    handle: ".panelheadbar",
    helper: "clone",
    appendTo: ".content",
    connectWith: ".left, .right"


<div class="content">
    <div class="content_left">
        <div class="padding_10px left">
            <div id="module_weather" class="panelgroup">
                <div class="panelheadbar">Weather</div>
                <div id="pc_weather" class="panelcontent">
                    text here...
            <div id="module_news" class="panelgroup">
                <div class="panelheadbar">News</div>
                <div id="pc_news" class="panelcontent">
                    text here...
    <div class="content_mid">
        not interesting here...
    <div class="content_right">
        <div class="padding_10px right">
            <div id="module_changelogs" class="panelgroup">
                <div class="panelheadbar">Changelogs</div>
                <div id="pc_changelogs" class="panelcontent">
                    text here...
            <div id="module_dontknow" class="panelgroup">
                <div class="panelheadbar">Dontknow</div>
                <div id="pc_dontknow" class="panelcontent">
                    text here...

How can I save the position in a cookie and how can I read the cookie so that the items are listed in the right div and the right order?

What about something like below. Each element and the containers need unique ids.

function savePosition(id){
    var el = $("#" + id);
    var container = el.parent().attr("id");
    var index = el.index();
    $.cookie(id,JSON.stringify({ container:container, index:index }));
function loadPosition(id){
    var el = $("#" + id);
    var position = JSON.parse($.cookie(id));
    var container = "#" + position.container;
    var index = position.index;
    if(index == 0){
    }else if($(container).children().eq(index - 1).length == 0){
        $(container).children().eq(index - 1).after(el);


To address your comment, you probably need to iterate over each element every time you need to save/load.

To save:


To load:



Fixed a bug with the code above. Changed $(container).eq(...) to $(container).children().eq(..) Here's your updated jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/be0Lmu4j/4/

Also, as per your comments, here's an update event for the sortable method:

$( ".padding_10px" ).sortable({
    handle: ".panelheadbar",
    helper: "clone",
    appendTo: ".content",
    connectWith: ".left, .right",

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