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How to show the default Option Value in the HTML Select Tag

I am appending dynamic values to the HTML Select .

I am doing it this way

var response = {
    "companies": [{
        "companyID": 2,
        "companyName": "RAvi Corporation Ltd."
    }, {
        "companyID": 3,
        "companyName": "Kiran Cement Ltd."
    }, {
        "companyID": 4,
        "companyName": "ACC Ltd."

var companies = '<option value="">All Companies</option>';
for (var i = 0; i < response.companies.length; i++) {
    companies += '<option value="' + response.companies[i].companyID + '" selected>' + response.companies[i].companyName + '</option>'

The last value is being shown in the HTML Select , is it possible to show All Companies as the first value ??

This is my jsfiddle


Could you please let me know how to do this

Only the option you want to see by default should have the selected attribute.

Line 20 should be:

var companies = '<option value="" selected>All Companies</option>';

and line 22 should be:

companies += '<option value="' + response.companies[i].companyID + '">' + response.companies[i].companyName + '</option>'


Set the value of select to empty. This will set the default value to the dropdown.



OR, You can remove the selected attribute of option from the for loop. This will set the first option as selected.

 var response = { "companies": [{ "companyID": 2, "companyName": "RAvi Corporation Ltd." }, { "companyID": 3, "companyName": "Kiran Cement Ltd." }, { "companyID": 4, "companyName": "ACC Ltd." }] }; var companies = '<option value="">All Companies</option>'; for (var i = 0; i < response.companies.length; i++) { companies += '<option value="' + response.companies[i].companyID + '">' + response.companies[i].companyName + '</option>'; // Remove selected attribute from here } $("#companieslist").html(companies); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <div> <select id="companieslist" name="companieslist"></select> </div> 

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