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Codeigniter - Url to style.css and media files are correct but nothing is displayed

I've got a huge problem with my codeigniter. I just moved the codeigniter files to another domain. I've already changed the base_url and the style.css and other media files are implemented with base_url + path_to_the_media_folder. The path is right, but codeigniter doesn't find my media folder where everything is in. On the other domain this worked totally fine.

Maybe this helps solving the problem: The folder in which I have the media and css files is located in the same directory as CIs "application", "media", "system", etc. folders.

How can I solve this problem?

Best regards Paul

Is there any error you are getting? Please share the error

try below URL

http://your domain name/your folder name/index.php/
There is two chance to get the 404 error
 1) your path is wrong.  2) There is issue on file name or class name.

Controller class names should be all lowercase, and Controller file name should be Uppercase.

like your class name is  
class example extends CI_Controller 

and file name is 


Update: Problem solved Found out that it was only because I forgot to change the .htaccess (because my new domain had a https connection and the old one not). Thanks anyone for help.

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