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Passing parameters for Testing Ransack Search output with RSpec 3

The first time I use Ransack for searching. I have a controller like this

class CoursesController < ApplicationController
  def search
        @q = Post.joins(:events).where(status: true, publish: true)
                                                        .where("events.status = 'available'")
        @courses = @q.result.includes(:tagnames).to_a.uniq

        render :index

In the route.rb, it is included the route

get 'posts/autocomplete_tag_or_subcategory', to: 'posts#get_suggestion_keywords', as: :list_suggestion


 resources :courses, only: [:search] do
    collection do
      match 'search' => 'courses#search', via: [:get, :post], as: :search

In the view, we have the form with the field like this

= search_form_for @q, url: search_courses_path, method: :post do |f|
   = f.search_field :title_or_description_or_tagnames_title_cont, { data: {autocomplete:  list_suggestion_path } }

Everything seems work correctly. The thing is that, I dont know how to pass the parameters for the test case for this controller. I have tried:

it "get all records match the key words" do

            get :search, q: {title_or_description_or_tagnames_title_cont: 'math'}

            expect(assigns_courses).to include math_course

the whole rspec file

RSpec.describe CoursesController , type: :controller do
    describe "#search" do
        let!(:search_params) { 'math' }
        let!(:tutor) { create :user, user_type: :tutor }
        let!(:math_course) { create(:post, title: "math", user_id: tutor.id) }
        let(:assigns_courses) { assigns(:courses) }

    before { @request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user] }
    before { sign_in tutor }

        it "get all records match the key words" do

            get :search, q: {title_or_description_or_tagnames_title_cont: 'math'}

            expect(assigns_courses).to include math_course

And this is Post model

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :published, -> { where(status: true, publish: true) }
  scope :get_post_by_tag_name, -> (tag_name) { where("lower(tags) LIKE ? ", "%#{ tag_name.downcase }%") }

  belongs_to :category
  belongs_to :sub_category
  belongs_to :level
  belongs_to :user
  has_many   :events, dependent: :destroy


Event Model

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Enumerize

  enumerize :status, in: [:available, :booked, :hidden], default: :available

  belongs_to :post


But look like it incorrect because it did not show what I wanted to see. Please give me some help to pass params for this test case.

Many thanks.

The gem ransack should not have bug and your code looks correct to me.

I recommend you run the test again as just get :search and see what is the problem in the first place (eg. maybe published is not set, etc).

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