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Add <li> to each element in jquery variable (before adding to UL)

What i'm trying to do

  1. Bring in a selection of html elements from an external html (on the same domain) into a variable in jquery (working)
  2. for each of the element items, wrap them (not working)
  3. prepend that variable to a ul in my page (working)

I have the following code that at this point, works, however it just dumps the elements (el) onto the page in one large list item, not each line on its own

$(document).ready(function() {
var $div = $('<li>');

$div.load('pages.html .el', function(){
    $("#my-menu ul.toc").prepend($div);

I've tried a weird selection of wrapall, etc, but can't seem to crack this.

Would really appreciate any help. Thanks

You need to loop through the elements once they've been loaded from the external html. Something like this (untested code) might work:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var $div = $('<div></div>');
    var $ul = $('#my-menu ul.toc');

    $div.load('pages.html .el', function(){
        $div.children().each(function() {
            $ul.prepend($('<li>' + $(this) + '</li>'));

If the prepend to the ul doesn't work in one line, it might work if you separate it:

var $li = $('<li></li>');

I could not say anything without seeing the code, but you can try this one,

$(document).ready(function() {
var $div = $('<li>');

$div.load('pages.html .el', function(){
    $("#my-menu ul.toc").insertBefore($div);

Try and load the html in a hidden div..

$("<div id='pagesHtml' style='display: none;'></div>").appendTo("body");

..store the anchors in a variable..

var $anchors = $("#pagesHtml").find(".el");

..then make a LI for each anchor..

$.each($anchors, function(i, anchor){
    $("<li>" + anchor + "</li>").prependTo("#my-menu ul.toc");

..and then add that to your container.

If the order is wrong, then you should use ".appendTo" instead.

Happy coding =)

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