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Wordpress Filezilla to AWS Permission Issue?

I'm trying to edit a wordpress .php file through Filezilla. I've connected correctly to the AWS instance with an ubuntu username. The problem is, I can view and make changes to the .php file but when I try to save those changes or re-upload them I get a permission denied error. I can add the file to the /ubuntu folder but no the /home folder where the wordpress files are located. That's as far as I can get at the moment, I know the permissions have to be changed, but i'm not sure how. Just trying to help out a non-computer savvy friend. Any help will be appreciated, cheers.

右键单击文件并转到file permissions然后为文件夹755授予文件644的权限

To change file permission on ubuntu use sudo chmod {options} filename link

Make sure that while creating any file or editing the file use sudo vi filename

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