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Laravel 5.1 Register Package Middleware

I am developing some middleware for my custom package. However, in order to use those package middleware, I have to manually add it in to kernel.php file into $routeMiddleware . So now, I have to manually add in these few extra line of code everytime when using my package.

'login.auth' => \Vendor\Package\http\middleware\loginAuth::class,
'login.guest' => \Vendor\Package\http\middleware\loginGuest::class,
'login.permission' => \Vendor\Package\http\middleware\loginPermission::class,

The list may get longer as the package grow. How can I have better way of registering package middleware without the need to manually register all of them to $routeMiddleware ?

To add a route based middleware, do this in your package service provider (boot method).

public function boot(\Illuminate\Routing\Router $router)
    $router->middleware('name', 'MiddlewareClass');

Also, for not route based middleware, class Illuminate\\Foundation\\Http\\Kernel has these two public methods that you may call:

* Add a new middleware to beginning of the stack if it does not already exist.
* @param  string  $middleware
* @return $this
public function prependMiddleware($middleware)

* Add a new middleware to end of the stack if it does not already exist.
* @param  string  $middleware
* @return $this
public function pushMiddleware($middleware)

For laravel 5.4 and above, use:

public function boot(\Illuminate\Routing\Router $router)
    $router->aliasMiddleware('name', 'MiddlewareClass');

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