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Wrapping <li> with <ul> until next header in JQuery

How can I wrap li with ul until the next h3 ?

Here is my code:

 thisContent.find("li").each(function() { $(this).nextUntil("h3").andSelf(); }).wrap('<ul></ul>');
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h3> Title 1 </h3> <li> List 1 </li> <li> List 2 </li> <li> List 3 </li> <li> List 4 </li> <h3> Title 2 </h3> <li> List 1 </li> <li> List 2 </li> <li> List 3 </li> <li> List 4 </li>

This is what I expect it to be:

 <h3> Title 1 </h3> <ul> <li> List 1 </li> <li> List 2 </li> <li> List 3 </li> <li> List 4 </li> </ul> <h3> Title 2 </h3> <ul> <li> List 1 </li> <li> List 2 </li> <li> List 3 </li> <li> List 4 </li> </ul>

Use wrapAll() .

Otherwise, you'll wrap each item individually. You also need to start from h3 , rather than li , because you're looking to wrap things between h3 .


 jQuery('h3').each(function() { $(this).nextUntil('h3').wrapAll('<ul class="potato"></ul>') })
 .potato { background-color: yellow; border-radius: 1em; margin: 1em; padding: 1em 2em; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h3> Title 1 </h3> <li> List 1 </li> <li> List 2 </li> <li> List 3 </li> <li> List 4 </li> <h3> Title 2 </h3> <li> List 1 </li> <li> List 2 </li> <li> List 3 </li> <li> List 4 </li>

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